Doctor Detail

Prof. Dr. Md. Hafizur Rahman

Prof. Dr. Md. Hafizur Rahman

Eye Specialist and Phaco Surgeon


Dhaka, Bangladesh

Prof. Dr. Md. Hafizur Rahman is the best ophthalmologists in dhaka with a high patient satisfaction rate. He earned his qualifications are MBBS, FCPS (Ophth), FICO (UK)

His expertise in ophthalmology, makes Prof. Dr. Md. Hafizur Rahman is the best eye specialist in dhaka. He has been serving in different ophthalmology departments for years treating and performing surgeries to improve vision and to cure Phaco Surgery, Glaucoma, Cataract, Refractive Surgery services.

While working in Phaco Surgery, Glaucoma, Cataract, Refractive Surgery services, he focuses on the treatment and management of various eye conditions using both surgical and non-surgical approaches.

His exposure throughout the years of professional practice resulted in the enrichment of treatment skills across the vast field of Phaco Surgery, Glaucoma, Cataract, Refractive Surgery services.

Prof. Dr. Md. Hafizur Rahman obtained his MBBS from University of Rajshahi in 1999. Later he obtained FCPS (Fellowship) in Ophthalmology from Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons in January, 2005. He had post graduate training on Phacoemulsification (Phaco) from Islamia eye Hospital and Institute in 2006. Then he completed Glaucoma fellowship from LV Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad, India in 2007.Then He completed FICO from international council of ophthalmology, UK.

Prof. Dr. Md. Hafizur Rahman Practicing Phaco surgery/ Cataract -more than 15 years and did thousands of Phaco surgeries. Practicing Glaucoma -more than 13 years and did thousands of glaucoma surgeries. Practicing General Ophthalmology-more than 16 years. After completing Fellowship (FCPS), Prof. Dr. Md. Hafizur Rahman joined Islamia Eye Hospital in February 2005 as Senior Medical Officer, then promoted to Registrar in 2006. In 2008, He promoted to Assistant Professor which was confirmed by Dhaka University. After 7 years, He joined Ad-din Medical College Hospital, Moghbazar, Dhaka in 2012 where Dhaka University confirmed him Associate professor. Now, he is working there as visiting professor. He Started Private Practice in Bijoy Nagor, 2005. In 2009, He established khidmah eye center along with khidmah hospital in 2009. After 7 years, along with his friends and teachers He started Hikmah Eye Hospital at Khilgaon, Dhaka in 2016.

Prof. Dr. Md. Hafizur Rahman is working as a Professor of Ophthalmology, eye department at Ad-din Medical College, Dhaka. He is in private practice at Hikmah Eye Hospital, Khilgaon, Dhaka as a leading surgen of Cataract (Phaco Surgery), Glaucoma and Refractive Surgery services.

Prof. Dr. Md. Hafizur Rahman has also been performing advanced ophthalmology surgical procedures. Based on existing conditions, he provides customized treatment plans for patients of all age groups.

Chamber 1:

Hikmah Eye Hospital, Dhaka

Hospital Address: C-287/15, Atish Diponker Road, Khilgaon Dhaka-1219.

Time Shedule: Please Contact With Hospital Number

Hotline: 01701 89 82 99

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