Bangladesh Eye Hospital, Banani ALL doctors

Prof. Brig Gen. Dr. Ismail Hossain

Prof. Brig Gen. Dr. Ismail Hossain

Eye Specialist and Phaco Surgeon

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Prof. Zafar Khaled

Prof. Zafar Khaled

Eye Specialist and Phaco Surgeon

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Dr. Sabrina Rahmatullah

Dr. Sabrina Rahmatullah

Eye Specialist and Phaco Surgeon

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Dr. Mukti Rani Mitra

Dr. Mukti Rani Mitra

Eye Specialist and Phaco Surgeon

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Prof. (Dr) M. Hafizur Rahman

Prof. (Dr) M. Hafizur Rahman

Eye Specialist and Phaco Surgeon

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Dr. Mohammed Rashed Alam

Dr. Mohammed Rashed Alam

Eye Specialist and Phaco Surgeon

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Prof. Dr. Nuzhat Choudhury

Prof. Dr. Nuzhat Choudhury

Eye Specialist and Phaco Surgeon

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Dr. Zahida Jabbar

Dr. Zahida Jabbar

Eye Specialist and Phaco Surgeon

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Dr. Shahrina Mahfooz

Dr. Shahrina Mahfooz

Eye Specialist and Phaco Surgeon

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Lt. Col. (Dr.) Billal Hossain

Lt. Col. (Dr.) Billal Hossain

Eye Specialist and Phaco Surgeon

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Dr. (Col.) Natasha Kajmina

Dr. (Col.) Natasha Kajmina

Eye Specialist and Phaco Surgeon

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Dr. Sharmin Ahmed

Dr. Sharmin Ahmed

Eye Specialist and Phaco Surgeon

Dhaka, Bangladesh

All Specialist 7

Eye Specialist and Phaco Surgeon Glaucoma Specialist Vitreo-Retina Specialist Neuro Ophthalmology Specialist Orbit, Oculoplastic& Squint Specialist Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus Specialist Cornea and Anterior Segment Specialist

All Hospital 70

Bangladesh Eye Hospital & Institute, Dhanmondi Vision Eye Hospital, Dhaka Dhaka Eye Care Hospital, Dhaka Bangladesh Eye Hospital, Banani Bangladesh Eye Hospital, Uttara Bangladesh Eye Hospital & Institute, Malibagh Bangladesh Eye Hospital & Institute, Khulna Fasion Eye Hospital Ltd. Dhaka Premier Eye Hospital, Dhaka Bangladesh Eye Hospital & Institute, Chittagong Bangladesh Eye Hospital, Mirpur Bangladesh Eye Hospital, Rayerbazar Bangladesh Eye Hospital, Zigatola Medivision Eye Hospital, Narayanganj Khidmah Eye Hospital, Dhaka