Khidmah Eye Hospital, Dhaka ALL doctors

Prof. Dr. Farhana Hossain

Prof. Dr. Farhana Hossain

Neuro Ophthalmology Specialist

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Prof. Dr. M H Siddiqi (Shiblee)

Prof. Dr. M H Siddiqi (Shiblee)

Vitreo-Retina Specialist

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Prof. Dr. Fakhrul Islam

Prof. Dr. Fakhrul Islam

Eye Specialist and Phaco Surgeon

Dhaka, Bangladesh

All Specialist 7

Eye Specialist and Phaco Surgeon Glaucoma Specialist Vitreo-Retina Specialist Neuro Ophthalmology Specialist Orbit, Oculoplastic& Squint Specialist Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus Specialist Cornea and Anterior Segment Specialist

All Hospital 70

Bangladesh Eye Hospital & Institute, Dhanmondi Vision Eye Hospital, Dhaka Dhaka Eye Care Hospital, Dhaka Bangladesh Eye Hospital, Banani Bangladesh Eye Hospital, Uttara Bangladesh Eye Hospital & Institute, Malibagh Bangladesh Eye Hospital & Institute, Khulna Fasion Eye Hospital Ltd. Dhaka Premier Eye Hospital, Dhaka Bangladesh Eye Hospital & Institute, Chittagong Bangladesh Eye Hospital, Mirpur Bangladesh Eye Hospital, Rayerbazar Bangladesh Eye Hospital, Zigatola Medivision Eye Hospital, Narayanganj Khidmah Eye Hospital, Dhaka