Doctor Detail

Dr. Syeed Mehbub Ul Kadir

Dr. Syeed Mehbub Ul Kadir

Eye Specialist and Phaco Surgeon

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Eduction & Qualification 

Mymensingh medical college
Bachelo of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) 

National Institute of Ophthalmology and Hospital
Master in Ophthalmology (MS)

 National Institute of Ophthalmology and Hospital, Dhaka
Department of Oculoplasty

Sankar Institute of Ophthalmology, Visakhapatnam, India
Department of Orbit and Ophthalmic Plastic Services


Chamber 1:

Vision Eye Hospital, Dhaka

Hospital Address: 229, Green Road, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205

Time Shedule: 2pm to 4pm (Closed: Friday)

Hotline: 09610244123

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Chamber 2:

Bangladesh Eye Hospital, Banani

Hospital Address: 138, Niharika Concord Tower (11th to 14th Floor), Road # 4, Block # C, Banani, Dhaka-1213.

Time Shedule: 2pm to 4pm (Closed: Friday)

Hotline: 01720566474,

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Chamber 3:

Bangladesh Eye Hospital & Institute, Dhanmondi

Hospital Address: 78, Satmasjid Road (West of Road 27), Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1209

Time Shedule: Please contact with hospital Phone number

Hotline: 10620

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Chamber 4:

Bangladesh Eye Hospital & Institute, Khulna

Hospital Address: 9B, Majid Sharani, Shibbri, Khulna – 9100

Time Shedule: Everyday 9am to 9pm

Hotline: 01799209075

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Chamber 5:

Bangladesh Eye Hospital, Uttara

Hospital Address: 27, Nandon Kanon Orchard Point, Sonargaon Janapath Road, Sector-07, Uttara, Dhaka-1230

Time Shedule: Please Contact With Hospital Number

Hotline: 01787665944

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