Doctor Detail

Dr. Utpal Sen

Dr. Utpal Sen

Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus Specialist

MBBS, DO, FCPS (Ophthalmology)

Chittagong, Bangladesh

Dr. Utpal Sen is the best ophthalmologists in Chittagone with a high patient satisfaction rate. She earned her qualifications are MBBS, MCPS, FCPS (Ophthalmology)

His expertise in ophthalmology, makes Dr. Utpal Sen is the best eye specialist in Chattoram. He has been serving in different ophthalmology departments for years treating and performing surgeries to improve vision and to cure Strabismus & Low vision Specialist etc.

While working in Strabismus & Low vision Specialist, he focuses on the treatment and management of various eye conditions using both surgical and non-surgical approaches.

His exposure throughout the years of professional practice resulted in the enrichment of treatment skills across the vast field of Strabismus & Low vision Specialist

Dr. Utpal Sen obtained his MBBS at Sylhet M.A.G. Osmani Medical College of Bangladesh. He also completed fellowship in ophthalmology at Bangladesh College of Physician and Surgeons (BCPS). He achived Membership (MCPS) in Bangladesh College of Physician and Surgeons (BCPS).

Dr. Utpal Sen was trained in LOW VISION from Hong Kong Society for Blindness (HKSB), Hong Kong as a National Focal Person (NFP). He has done post- graduate fellowship in Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus at Wilmer Eye Institute of The John Hopkins University, USA. He trained in Medical Glaucoma from SUSRUT Eye Hospital & Research center, INDIA. Cataract IOL Microsurgery and Phaco he did training at National Institute of Ophthalmology & hospital (NIO&H) and Bangladesh Eye trust Hospital, Dhaka.

Previously  Dr. Utpal Sen working as a registrar in National Institute of Ophthalmology and Hospital (NIO&H), Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Dr. Utpal Sen has also been performing advanced ophthalmology surgical procedures. Based on existing conditions, she provides customized treatment plans for patients of all age groups.

Chamber 1:

Bangladesh Eye Hospital & Institute, Chittagong

Hospital Address: Probartak Sangha Building (4th and 5th Floor), Probartak Circle, Panchlaish, Chittagong

Time Shedule: Please Contact With Hospital Number

Hotline: 01839392525

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Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus Specialist Recent Doctors

Dr. Utpal Sen

Dr. Utpal Sen

Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus Specialist

MBBS, DO, FCPS (Ophthalmology)

Chittagong, Bangladesh

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Eye Specialist and Phaco Surgeon Glaucoma Specialist Vitreo-Retina Specialist Neuro Ophthalmology Specialist Orbit, Oculoplastic& Squint Specialist Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus Specialist Cornea and Anterior Segment Specialist

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