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Dry eyes & contacts? Find top brands for ultimate comfort & clarity.

Dry eyes & contacts? Find top brands for ultimate comfort & clarity.

Understanding Dry Eyes

Firstly, let's understand the culprit – dry eyes. Dry eyes occur when your eyes don't produce enough tears or the tears evaporate too quickly. This leads to a lack of lubrication and moisture, causing symptoms like irritation, grittiness, burning, redness, and blurred vision. While the causes of dry eyes vary, common factors include aging, hormonal changes, environmental factors like air conditioning, certain medications, and even digital device use.

Contact Lenses & Dry Eyes

Unfortunately, contact lenses can exacerbate dry eye symptoms. They act as barriers on the eye's surface, further reducing tear evaporation and contributing to discomfort. However, this doesn't mean you have to say goodbye to contacts forever. By choosing the right type of lens and following proper care routines, you can manage dry eyes and achieve comfortable wear.

Key Considerations for Comfortable Contact Lens Wear with Dry Eyes


Opt for silicone hydrogel lenses. These lenses offer superior oxygen permeability, allowing more oxygen to reach the cornea, which promotes healthier tear production and reduces dryness.

Water Content

Higher water content lenses hold more moisture, creating a more hydrating experience. However, they might not be as durable as lenses with lower water content.

Lens Type

Consider daily disposable lenses. As you discard them daily, you avoid protein buildup that can irritate dry eyes. Additionally, explore toric lenses for astigmatism and multifocal lenses for presbyopia, ensuring clear vision with dry eyes.

Eyelid Hygiene

Maintaining clean eyelids is crucial for healthy tear production and preventing irritation. Regularly use lid scrubs and warm compresses, as recommended by your eye doctor.

Artificial Tears

Keep lubricating eye drops handy and use them throughout the day to supplement natural tear production. Opt for preservative-free drops specifically formulated for contact lens wearers.

Limit Screen Time

Reduce your screen time and take frequent breaks to give your eyes a rest and allow tears to replenish naturally.

Regular Eye Exams

Schedule regular eye exams with your ophthalmologist to monitor your dry eye condition and ensure your lenses remain a good fit.

Top Brands for Dry Eyes & Contact Lenses

Now, let's explore some of the top brands offering contact lens solutions for dry eyes, categorized by their unique strengths:

Acuvue Oasys

1. Strengths: HydraLuxe technology for sustained moisture, UV protection, comfortable for extended wear.
2. Best for: Active individuals, digital device users, moderate dry eyes.

Alcon Dailies Total 1

1. Strengths: High water content, silicone hydrogel material, daily disposable, ideal for sensitive eyes.
2. Best for: People with severe dry eyes, allergy sufferers, first-time contact lens wearers.

CooperVision Biofinity

1. Strengths: Breathable silicone hydrogel material, monthly replacement, available in toric and multifocal options.
2. Best for: Long-term contact lens wearers, people with mild to moderate dry eyes, seeking a balance between comfort and value.

Bausch + Lomb Ultra:

1. Strengths: MoistureSeal technology for long-lasting comfort, UV protection, available in toric and multifocal options.
2. Best for: Active individuals with moderate dry eyes, seeking additional digital eye comfort.

Air Optix plus Hydraglyde:

1. Strengths: Hydraglyde moisture matrix, extended wear capability (up to 6 nights), breathable silicone hydrogel material.
2. Best for: Those needing continuous wear, with moderate dry eyes and a tolerance for extended wear lenses.


Living with dry eyes and utilizing contact lenses can be a balancing act. However, with the right knowledge, lens choices, and consistent care routines, you can achieve both comfort and clear vision. Remember, this information serves as a guide, and consulting your ophthalmologist is crucial for personalized recommendations and proper lens fitting. Don't let dry eyes hold you back – embrace the freedom and clarity contact lenses offer with the right approach!

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